- Population
- Feminization rate in cities by size
- Feminization rate according to delimitation of rural areas
- Working and non-working age population
- Towns and urban population
- Gminas rural population
- Population eged 65 and over in cities by size
- Population eged 65 and over according to delimitation of rural areas
- Population by sex and age
- Vital statistics of population
- Marriages, divorces, separations
- Live births by birth order and age of mother
- Female fertility and reproduction rates of population
- Deaths by sex and age of deceased
- Infant deaths by sex and age
- Population projection
- Internal and international migration of population for permanent residence
- International migration of population for permanent residence by sex and age of migrants
- Resident population
- Population by chosen features based on censuses data
- Disabled persons
- Selected churches and other religious associations
- Population by economic age groups
- Ageing ratio
- Population by place of residence
- Old age rate
- Urban population
- Median age (middle age) of population
- Population by sex and age in 2015, 2023 and 2060
- Natural increase, live births and deaths
- Natural increase in cities by size
- Natural increase by delimitation of rural areas
- Marriages contracted and divorces per 1000 population
- Deaths by selected causes
- Life expectancy
- Non-working age population per 100 persons of working age
- Net migration of population for permanent residence per 1000 population
- Internal and external net migration for permanent residence in cities by size
- Internal and external net migration for permanent residence by delimitation of rural areas
- Population density
- Pre-working age population
- Urbanization rate
- Vital statistics of population
- Internal and international migration of population for permanent residence